Netflix email scam

Netflix's payment details page.

The ever-growing rise in email scams is taking another twist with their level of complexity increasing in an attempt to defeat filtering and first-glance credibility tests. Netflix are victim to an interesting scam that was worth digging a little deeper on. First clue was the email ended up in the Junk folder – that’s the…

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Use Zoom? You’ll need a password

A tv screen with a group of people on it.

Edited 7 April: more details below: As of Sunday 5th April 2020, Zoom teleconferencing requires use of a password to enter a meeting room. A knee-jerk response to address security concerns and the rise of Zoom-bombers, the password step has stone-walled the majority of users. Oblivious account users are wondering why people aren’t joining regular…

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Hacking spikes and one easy way to lock down your website, now

A computer screen with the word danger on it.

Disappointingly but not surprisingly I’ve seen a large increase in the number of website hacking login lockouts in the past week. It’s only a matter of time before traditional lines of defence are beaten – that’s why I’m enforcing the really simple extra layer of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA or TFA) on client sites, now. For…

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MYOB blocked from running?

A purple and pink logo with the word doy.

A recent update by Windows has caused heated headaches in the MYOB community with a few Windows 10 users experiencing the ‘This app has been blocked for your protection’ message. “No. It was working fine yesterday, it should work fine today.” That’s a simple and reasonable thought. Luckily there is a relatively simple solution, several…

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Facebook not previewing your website posts?

When you drop a website post link into Facebook does it populate with the post title and featured image, like you’d expect? While there could be many reasons behind this, one possible solution could be as simple as your DNS settings. Facebook scrapes a preview of website posts based on the AAAA DNS record (IPv6).…

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Why your website has to be mobile friendly

You’ve probably seen evidence of it every time you encounter someone aged 18-25 – they’re spending so much time each day staring at their mobile device. Statistics show time they spend attached to their phone has nearly doubled in three years. In 2012 average use was 1.88hours/day, in 2015 that had increased to 3.26hrs/day. Those…

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Time-lapse photography trade secret

Here is the no-brainer tell-all on what makes for the ultimate time-lapse camera operation to capture the images that will save hours of post-editing to remove the sea-sickening variations and deliver a smooth result – every time. Since I first started in 2010 I’ve learned a lot of hard and heart-breaking lessons. I’ve had plenty…

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Why you need to protect your computers power source

Inevitably at some stage the primary source of power to your computer will be cut – and if you are in the middle of something important you can be sure there will be data loss or corruption. That is why you need a UPS. Not the postal service kind – the one that keeps your…

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Brushed with CryptoWall 3.0

 Recently a client had ransom message appear on their computer right while they were completing a task for a client of their own.It was a spine tingling moment. What do you do? You’re trying to serve your own customer and suddenly your computer makes you freeze – that your next move could delete everything on…

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Life in the cloud is beautiful

The whole ‘cloud’ term has long been a pie-in-the-sky target for business users as a method of storing and securing precious data and files. As the dominant service providers (Google, Amazon, Dropbox, Microsoft and Apple as examples) offer cheap cloud storage the shift to storing valuable data offsite has become more affordable. Equally; as data…

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